Professional Training


  • There are successively 3 sessions for the first training of the couple therapy of psychoanalytic orientation (BeiJing)  2010-2011 David & Jill Scharff American
  • There are successively 6 sessions for the training of Sino-French psychoanalytic psychotherapy (France-Shanghai)   2009-2011 French Freud's psychoanalysis association
  • Training of the Sino-German Senior psychoanalytic therapists Group therapy (senior section) (Shanghai)   2010-2013 German Psychoanalytic Association German Psychological treatment institute
  • Therapeutic relation---transference and countertransference and analytic fields (Beijing)  2010 Claudio Eizirik (Brazil) former chairman of International psychoanalytic association
  • Analytical cure in Freud’s perspective (Beijing)  2010 Charles Hanly(Canada) chairman of International psychoanalytic association
  • Treatment of borderline personality disorder (Beijing)   2010 Peter Fonagy(Britan):British psychoanalytic association
  • Psychodynamic therapy of Trauma Patients (wuhan)  2008 Sverre Varvin(Norway): Vice-chairman of International psychoanalytic association
  • (China - Norway) There are successively 6 sessions for the training of senior psychoanalytic therapists (wuhan)  2007-2010 Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society. Psychology department of the University of Oslo in Norway
  • Family Systems Therapy (shenyang)   2005 LiuYing, China Medical University
  • There are successively 7 sessions for the training of Psychoanalytic projects (shenyang)   2006-2009 LiuYing, ZengQiFeng, ShiQijia, CongZhong, SuXiaoBo

    Liaoning Association for Mental Hygiene. China Medical University


    Continuing acceptance group (supervisor: Suxiaobo, German supervisors)

    Individual Continuing supervision (French psychoanalysts, Norwegian psychoanalysts)


HanKai's Photos


American analysts. SaFu and Jill. David SaFu


American analysts. SaFu and Jill. David SaFu


Senior children's psychological analysts of American international psychological therapy institute


Senior children's psychological analysts of American international psychological therapy institute


Mrs Dethiville(disciple of Winnicott, vice-chairman of French Freud's psychoanalysis association)and Mr Levi(disciple of Klein)France


Mrs Dethiville(disciple of Winnicott, vice-chairman of French Freud's psychoanalysis association)

and Mr Levi(disciple of Klein) France


Professor Sverre Varvin: vice-chairman of International psychoanalytic association


Professor Sverre Varvin: vice-chairman of International psychoanalytic association


Professor Claudio Laks Eizirik: chairman of International psychoanalytic association


Professor Claudio Laks Eizirik: chairman of International psychoanalytic association


Chairman of Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society


Chairman of Norwegian Psychoanalytic Society


Senior analyst of Norwa


Senior analyst of Norwa


Training of the Sino-German Senior psychoanalytic therapists Group therapy


Training of the Sino-German Senior psychoanalytic therapists Group therapy


    No.48 Xinghua South street,Tiexi District,Shenyang(Room 26-9,Ducheng MOMA Building) | Tel: 024-82238119 62483688 | Email: Shenyang Ren & Wang Psychological consultation service©2010 All Rights Reserved.
